Dear Daughter of Almighty God

Still Rejoicing

Psalm 16:9 (ESV)

Therefore my heart is glad, and my whole being rejoices;
my flesh also dwells secure.

I will continue to rejoice in all circumstances because I know that Jesus has already won the victory for me I just need to keep standing. I will keep standing on God’s Word, keep rejoicing and keep thanking God for all He has done and is doing.

The Word says that when we catch the thief we can ask seven fold and plunder his household. So when the devil attacks and steals from me I tell him how much he owes me and how many souls I will take from his household. If he continues to kick me when I am down I stand on the Word and tell him how much more I will remove from him, because I have the victory.

At one time I would double the amount of money he stole from me and that would be the number of souls I am going to take from him. Then I thought why stop there, if he wants to keep kicking me I am going to make it costly for him. Now I quadruple it and add a zero on the end, he will regret messing with me, what about you.

Let’s take our stand.

Your loving sister Amanda

Psalm 16